Monday, March 31, 2014

Xiao Qian 21st Birthday!

Annyeonghaseyo everyone! Didn't post anything in the past couple days as i was away to Penang and Taiping. So.. things that i wanted to share has doubled up again... Should have bring my laptop with me. But.. its okay! Lets get started!

So the day before i went to Penang and Taiping, it was my very very best friend Xiao Qian's 21st birthday!! Yay!!!!!!

She has literally prepared the party from inviting people and decoration, preparations of foods and all those stuff for one whole month! At the beginning i did not gave her much help as i was still busy on studies, but i am very glad that i did manage to help her out on the actual party.

Once again from this party, i realise that organising birthday party is such a hectic work and it shows the generosity of the organiser because she provides everyone a chance to meet up, talk, and update about each other. So thank you Qian Qian!

This was prepared by me and Jus!! Believe or not we including the uni gang has discussed for so long on how to place the candle on the cake.. hahaa.. 
May your wishes come true! 
Me and Jus arrived pretty early that day, we thought we were gonna be the first but the "Klang Gang" arrived even earlier than. The funny thing was, the birthday girl herself were only about to get shower while we arrived. In addition, she didn't even iron the cloths and made up her mind which to wear. So me and Jus were helping her out on her make up and hair and everything to make her at least look more presentable. 
Fixing her hair. 
Miss her so much!!!!!!! Funny thing was while i am writing this, i visited her blog, and the last post was about me. Aww..  not the first time read, but still touched! 
So glad that i bought a eye shadow pallet to her during Christmas, if not i really have no idea what make up to use to enhance her look. Well as usual girl takes time to dressing up and everyone has successively arrive so Qian's family was keep on asking hasten her to entertain the guests. But yet of course she can't get out until she has finished up everything, so this is where her temper rise dramatically. But lucky enough me and Jus were there so we were able to calm her down. 

Sweet  Moments
Zhi Xiang if you ever reading this, XQ was so anxious asking us where is the pic of you and her after the party as she can't find we post in FB! haha.. Such a sweet couple though XQ always sort of scold him in front of us. 
Xiao Qian was so busy to served her friends and family so she doesn't has much time to talk much with us. But that was absolutely normal. So us the uni gang we were just normal chit chatting, but they've raise a very interesting question regarding on why am i wanted to study abroad, what value or things that i am seeking at the end of the day. They've analysed lots of view and aspect to me which was really appreciated. I guess this kind of conversation rarely happened with some kind of people, because only "real true friend" will care about all the little things. 

Unfortunately, i've always thought i could give people a firm and complete answer whenever they ask me this kind of question, but as the truth involved some personal reasons, and its kind a complicated which i don't know how to sort everything up. There was so much story involve and its hard to simplified everything as one whole story to tell, so.. i believe i did not gave them a satisfactory answer at the end. 

But i know what i want at this moment, and i guess we'll only find out the answer once we has been through it because i've discussed with many people from both with and without experience and all of them gave different answers. I believe the ultimate right or wrong is still depends on how you view the matter, there are no absolute in between. 

The very lovely Uni Gang! 
Love this group picture of us sooooo much!! Thou is very blur.. 
This party may not be as grand as others has done but definitely the most heartwarming one! We're gonna turn 21 one after another, which means that we gonna be more and more busy, so hopefully we can still stay this close in the future. Really glad that I've a gang of friends who can always share those deep thoughts instead of those really cliche one.  Love you all!!! 

 Happy 21st KQQ!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Research journey

Before we begin, i wanted to thanks all of you who have read my previous post for sort of like catch up with what i did while "missing" in the previous months. I didnt know there are like number of you who are really care. So.. thank you so much!

Right, so today i'm gonna talk about the Business Research which is probably one of the biggest project i have ever done in my study. Surprisingly there are a few colleges' courses who doesn't have the Final Year Project, i suggest you to check out if there's other modules to replace it, because in the future if you tends to pursue Degree or Phd, you'll need to conduct research and you'll need both skills and knowledge from research.

In this stage, I am only doing a research proposal which if in the future my supervisor approve, i can carry on with i've done instead of starting all over again. So, what so inspiring and important about this modules is it let me visualise what i've learn and put them altogether into practice.

A lots of students especially those who're in business management studies do not know why they should learn those theory and where should they apply. Its hard for student to visualise as it seems kind a abstract and theory based. Plenty of people saying there is nothing to learn in business studies, because all u need in conducting business is practical skills instead of theory stuff.. Well.. i used to have these kind of thought, where i think some of the thing that i learn are really common sense, but research let me know that everything i've learn are applicable in real life or business corporate world.

For instances, how government decide how much they should tax for income tax rate or how to decide the range of inflation rate, product pricing and what so ever. Its all through research. This is where i see a social science students can actually contribute their knowledge back to the community and facilitate the society just as how a professional degree could do. Lots of people only see how doctor or lawyer could help the society, but actually social science contribute the major part to the economic environment. And a country couldn't run smoothly without them.

The first class of Dr. Ben he mentioned that research is a systematic process and its a very lonely journey. I only know what all these meant towards the end of the modules. Research in degree level, you're suppose to came out with a new idea based on what other's have done but the process require you to follow certain guidelines - systematic process. Everything is steps by steps and you can't miss any of them. Lonely journey referring where you have to think of a new words, new sentences, new way to describe an existing terms on your own. The process of finding related journals, read though them, analyse them are all on your own. In order to produce good outcome, you need to put in a lots of efforts, again, on your own.

What makes this modules fascinating is it let me know where and how i can apply my knowledge in such a way that could create a huge impact to society. Which i never know that business studies could be so powerful. And of course because i met Dr.Ben, he has taught me so much and giving me a lots of guidance that definitely creates a life time value.

To correspond with his effort as well as my self-interest, i work really hard though is just proposal stage. It is very lucky to meet such lecture because he taught us many things that doesn't exist in the text books and he just make such boring modules become so meaningful and applicable. I never consider to further any study after degree level because business is just so general in some aspect, but now i see why people further their studies, and it does create a different between this two levels.

So this conclude one of the reason where why i am so busy in the past. I hope what i've shared could help you to capture a clearer picture in your study or just provide you a general view on research.

Thank you so much for reading!

Dr. Ben research methods seminar 2014. 
 Good luck! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First post in 2014

Hi folks! Its been a while. Can't believe my first post will be at March. Well.. i didnt lost my passion on blogging but in the past few months i just had to put the priority on studies. I guess a lots of you have been wondering what i was so busy for in the past. So.. lets begin. 

Today has officially ended Degree Year 2. Yay!! But there is a mix feelings, because if i am not pursuing my final year here and this gonna marks the end of my studies over here. 

In the final semester of Year 2 was probably the most hectic one i ever had. But at the same time, i guess it has been the most inspired one. Wonder why inspired? I guess the major reason come from the modules of business research method, which sort of like the first part of your final year project (FYP). A lots of people hate it, because in order to produce good output you need to go through tons of journals. But all thanks to Dr. Benjamin, i've learned so much, more than any modules that i ever had, even my beloved lecture ABB. We'll go deep into that in probably the coming post. Because my story with this modules, definitely deserve a single post to talk about it. 

So in the past 3 months i would said, i've been kind a isolated. I have never been this isolated nor stress in the past. I cut out all hang outs as much as possible, defuse to celebrate any festival (i even bought my laptop with me to my work during CNY), and just basically sort of detached from my friends and the social circle. Even Jus and XQ. Of course there are some other reasons that lead to this isolation but let's just focus on the study part. In more detailed, i am totally inactive all sort of social media and in replying group messages. I am so sorry but again, priority. 

If you're questioning, "do you really have to go this extreme?". Well, of course not, but by doing so allow me to stay more focus on things that i should do as there are plenty other things could distract me. Just as simple as that. 

But lucky enough, true friends never separated apart due to distance or how much times we get to spend to each other. It totally brighten up my day when i heard Justine said we are not those friendship that will be faded just because we never been spoken in months. I originally felt there is a gap in between us, or i am afraid there is, but gladly, that was just my silly thoughts. 

Despite most of my times are spend on study, but there are still a lot of things happened in the past months in regards to life and what not. I have so much to share with you guys but didnt know where to start. But anyway, will definitely start to regularly posting more often, so do stay tune for that! 

This post will never end as i mentioned there are so much things to talk to. So i suppose we have to end here so we could go more detail and specific on one single issue at a post. Once again, i would love to apologise to all my friends that i have declined to all sort of invitation previously.  

Thanks for reading! 

Remember, there is no shortcuts for any place that worth going.
Good luck!