Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Justine Birthday!

JUSTINE LOH had her very first Barbecue Night for her 19 Birthday!! All the planning has been done by her very good boy Kaisin... I think she is very happy because she keep telling me that is been few year she don't have best friend to celebrate with her already.. *aww~ don't so emo la!!*

There is one thing i really one to point out... Her fussy boy arr... actually keep texting me and scare i cant come... Actually i just want him to ask more college people to join la!! Come on Lee Kai Sin~

While waiting they all to pick me up... =P

Here to thanks kaisin's friend to pick me up yea~~ Arligarto!! 

Anyway, Justine didn't know i am going so it is one surprise for her! =D

We then heading to Kaisin place and Justine still donno what is going on.. muahaha.. Maybe she half know laa... but still it's a SURPRISE!! 

When everyone is arrive then we start barbecue eat drink chat around... *I didnt take much picture la.. because everyone is too shy.. lol*

Another surprise here, our very long lost cute friend KOK XIAO QIAN suddenly appear while me and Justine were chatting.. *Jusjus, of course she will come laa! i just lie to u.. =P

Birthday cake is taken out by one of Justine's high school's best friend.. She came late because of working.. But yet Justine already very happy she can make it.. So here is another Surprise again! 
Another surprise about the birthday cake is it is bought by Kaisin's mum which means the future mother in law! *how sweet~~* <3
The Birthday Cake!!

The sweetest couple i ever met!

Justine's friend
 May your wish come true justine!! *Her first wish is to married to LKS!! hahaa.. wtf right? But i support u jusjus!! *

Is been a really long time that me, xiaoqian and Jus didnt had a chat... We use to chat every single day during foundation... gossip about others... making fool around.... but nothing can last forever.. T.T... So for me... i really appreciate every single chance that i could meet them!! 

The only picture of 3 of us on that day!! * we should have take more!!!*
Here is the funny one who did funny things again!! While people already get ready.. she suddenly shout and said : My hair very ugly!!!! hahaa...

Happy Birthday Justine!! 
N-Group Reunite!! 
The best group i ever had! 
High school Gang! 

Best friend~ =)
Jus and Qian
Sweet moment: 

I won't forget how Justine introduce herself at the first time during our first class in first semester. We are still stranger for the time being.. But one of her sentence shock me, she said : Hi everyone! My name is Justine Loh bla bla bla.. *forgot hows the structure be but at the end of the sentences she said no one is gonna recognized her at the end of the day.. i was like... wad kind of sad thing she has been through in her previous day.. haha...  

After while... we become friends.. the good one.. Our relationship has become way better than neither of us could aspect.. Even though she will always stick with her boy.. I use to tell her that don't so "confirm" about kaisin cause no one knows the future.. But no matter what me and XiaoQian said, she is really insist in her point of view.. And now... i find out that none of my friend has this kind of.... relationship anymore... their relationship ain't build on money, fame, popularity, power and what so ever... is just ... pure love~ So i really give all my bless to them and i want to become the bride's maid!!! haha.. 

One thing i quite touching about what she did is... when i told her and XQ that i have ended my relationship with someone, then she begin to cry in front of me... haha... thankyou lei... for crying with me... Is really warm for me at least at that moment being there is someone really understand my situation.. 

We have been through a lot... Those headache time for assignment.. Arguing with the love one.. and now we have move to another level of life.. The 3 of us, me XQ and Jus have been separated to different places now... but luckily for the most UN-independent one  (Jus)  got her guy besides her.. Because arr... she really donno what she want in the future... So is best if there are someone always besides to guide.. 

I donno how long could this friendship would last.. Because all of us are getting far apart.. But as long as it still exist... i will be here.. =) 


Happy Birthday Justine!! <3 <3 <3

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