Saturday, June 23, 2012

Justine Birthday Part 2

Part 2 is all about colleagues in foundation! Its really hard for us to gather because our college has separated business and IT student into two different place.. So its been a while where i can meet all my old buddy... 

Justine didn't aspect she will got the second cake because the guys all hide it in the corner and cover it with many bags.. =D

When i arrived, LKS ask me to buy a drink with Justine and they start open and put on candle all those..

Birthday Girl JusJus

This is Gary!! He is the superman among us because he can always done his assignment in a very short period of time.. Like the moment teacher give assignment, he will start doing it on that day.. There is no procrastination in his whole life! Sometimes i will feel stress cause he do it very fast but is good at the same time because he will motivate the whole group.. People are all "gia su".. haha.. 

Btw, he is also the one who bought the cake!! Well done lei!! the cake is  very delicious!  

Tada... The people i miss a lot!! My foundation classmate~ 

We actually spend quite sometime to think how to cut the cake so that everyone can have it...haha.. TQ Justine!

While Justine is cutting the cake, look what his hubby doing...
Only know Eat!! *no wonder justine keep control him from gaining more fats!*

Jordan and YowChun! This picture is really precious lei.. cause whenever we having snacks or those fast food thing, YowChun (the one with blue shirt) always said calories and all those healthy terms.. Now he said because of Justine so he eat the cake.. haha.. he do reject it at first..

Justine and HanHong! Hanhong is the top student among us.. He kind a knew everything.. I have to thanks him a lot for the past year lei.. They use to called me as a mosquitoes to HH because there is one time, Me and HH skype from i think from around 7,8, or 10 we skype till 8 early in the morning for assignment purpose. And he help me a lot in all kind a assignment especially in those IT subject because he is the only one who sleep very late and start working at night. Due to this common, i always bother him when i having trouble with my assignment.

Me and HanHong~

A Pic of me for that day!
Mr Stanley here! He is another one who also did help a lot in the pass year. But i think he mostly help XQ more because they sleep early. Haha.. But still whenever there is a problem, as long as i did ask either of them, they will help me to solve it anytime even they are gaming or what so ever.. This is why they meant a lot to me!! =D

YowChun Me and Stanley!

Mr Sanjeev and YC!
Me and the Birthday girl!

Noob stuff they did for the day.. Mr Stanley said it looks like down syndrome.. HAHA! 

Mr SengPoh! He is going to be famous soon because he is currently in a relationship with someone really FAMOUS! Stalk his FB if u want to know more.. =) 

Playing around with the new iPad~

Shiva Sanjeev YC! Shiva is the one who stand up. His famous words are 
Babi sial
Makan sial 
Calling me indo maid
The Joker among us!

Jus and KS!

Epic picture of the day! I just simply snap on them while they are chatting around but Nandha & Sanjeev there is so dark!! haha... Swear to god this pic are snap and posted without any effect and edit..

Mr SengPoh
Me and Mr Gary

Mr Stanley and Me

At the end of the gathering, Justine suddenly take out a thing and give it to me said that is my birthday gift... LOL.. So paisei lei.. cause until now i haven give her birthday present.. >.<".. 

Thank you JUSTINE!!

For those who don't know me well, i were addicted to flora stuff now.. my bed sheet cover, note book, file, cloths..... are all with flora.. haha... So now i have one more stuff with printed rose! Thank you Jus! 

My very first birthday present! *even though my birthday is on 25th*

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