Getting into a college or university nowadays is not as hard as the past generation. But how many of you actually know what you want to achieve or what's your dream and it leads you to a specific course that you are taking currently?
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Campus life |
For some other cases, people might have dream at the beginning but as time passed, he or she become less motivated and starts to lost the way or vision. A very good example is when you are graduated from high school and looking for a university or college, by that time when you look at the course brochure everything seems to be so interesting, excited, campus life is so breathtaking or what so ever. But when you actually settle down and get what you want, everything seems to be so normal to you and you have lost the appreciation and the emotion.
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you are probably this excited when you got into college or university. |
Also there are also people who doesn't have dream or target at the beginning and the reason they are here in college is just because of the sick of study and get a degree or its just an order from family which claimed that you must at least got a degree in order to find a job.
Of course there are a lot more reason or example out there but these two is the most typical one. I assumed.
Recently i have met an interesting question which is what's the professional certificate for Business Management student. I mean, if you are taking accounting there is a ACCA. IT course there are certificate of a particular system or program. All these are the extra credits you can get out of the course and it is also some certainty to show that you are different among other candidates.
And because i am taking IBM and i begin to worried and perplex about the road that i have choose.
The good news is... i got the answer!! and i wanted to share with you guys!!
So... its actually all about the 2P!! which stand for Purpose and Passion!
In fact, no matter which field you are in now, whether you are taking course like me or you have started your career life, its all about purpose and passion.
Purpose refers to the needs and wants of you in that specific field. Like i want to be the CEO, CFO, or UFO. haha.. or what you want to get, like knowledge from the course, experience, or paid from a job.
After you knew what you want and whats you have to achieve. Then plan a strategy in order to make it real. Dream come true! You can't just said to your lecture that "i will try my best" but how exactly are you trying? You have to work it out seriously.
With all that, then all you need is Passion. The enthusiasm of your purpose and life. With passion, you will be enjoying and exciting everyday when you attend the classes or when you go to work. This is what leads you to the creativity, higher level of achievement and with this it will definitely boost up your performance because you like and enjoy what you are doing.
With this 2P, no matter where you are or do you actually have an extra certificate to show your professional it will work out as what you wanted or wished. With this 2P, even if you are taking finance course and the company throw you to marketing department, it will still works!!
Some other example that i can think of now is learning musical instrument. I have learned piano since primary school and i stop years later because i am moving to another place. But then now i am taking classes again. I have to study like everyone else and learning instrument especially in piano you need to do a lot of theory exercises but at the same time i have to take care my education at the same time.
I have see a lot of people have stopped taking class because of stress and exam. I believe this happened because they have lost the 2P. If you are enjoy with what you are doing, even if its really stress you will still enjoy the stress and it will turns out into motivation some times.
And basically i think it works in no matter what you are doing with your life. And when you hold this concept and dream big.. Miracle will happen!! Maybe some times the word dream sounds unrealistic, but with dream it motivates you to become greater and even if its really fail to achieve it, a least you will still becoming better compare to the you without dream.
Hope i actually make sense in this post! =D
If you cant figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.
Enjoy your stress! I like it !
Hahaa.. Thank you!!
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