Friday, July 6, 2012

The water drops on the lotus leaf

"It doesn't matter whether he likes you or not..
It is matter whether you like yourself or not..
If you sincerely love yourself, you won't be affected by his appraisal towards you..
You should know that you are definitely not who you are in his mind that full of biased to you..
So it doesn't matter at all whether how he going to judge you.. 
It would not depreciate the real value of yourself.. 
Hence, take his apathy eyes and sarcasm speech as a drops of water on the lotus leaf, it can't be fixed and remain...
By giving it a smile, let the water drops gently rolled down from the lotus leaf.. "

When you step out to the society, the world is actually cruel.. Anyone that seems close to you will try to hurt you and gained benefits through it.. It is not only happened in the working life, it also possible to occur even when we are studying..

In my own opinion, the "He" in the article above does not literally meant for a guy... It means as everyone as in the one that hurts you.. It is so common that there are people who loves to hurts others no matter it is unintentional or purposely and eventually causes others had a bad day.

Sometimes it might also affect our self confidence, opinion, creativity and stuff... So people.. like what the article above wrote.. just give him a smile...and let it go instead!!

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