Saturday, August 10, 2013

Morib Gold Coast

Happy holiday everyone!! Selamat Hari Raya for all my muslim friend!!

I actually plan to do this post before the holiday start but I have to focus on my piano practical exam so... Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with you guys if you are planning to have a little getaway from the busy city life.

I personally do not recommend this place AT ALL! But from this post you can sort of get some idea about how is places like this looks like and what I have did with my friends, then you can choose a better place instead for your holidays or any other event in the coming days.

I went there in the first or second week of July where everyone are busy for work and now is holiday my turn to busy. Anyway just doing this so that i can sort of feel like holiday. sort of..

Without further ado, lets get started!
 The beautiful road side view where i capture in the car.. Whenever you saw this, you knew you are away from the city already.. 
We gather up around 11, then had breakfast together and drive all the way to Morib. When we reach there we still have to wait a couple hours to check in to the resort so we had a seafood lunch which this will always be one of the must do routine whenever we go somewhere. We went Bay Watch Restaurant which recommended by a friend of Mr.Low.
The view of the restaurant. 
We ordered oatmeal prawn, oyster egg, small octopus, clam, fish and vege. The taste was kind of average only, not to said very nice. FURTHER MORE!! There are a lot of flies there because its near to the beach perhaps and the price wasn't cheap. So i don't recommend any of you to come here because its not worth trying. Try to search for a better restaurant!! 

However, nothing gonna break the mood when you are hanging our with the right group of people. So we still enjoy the meal and as usual, when girls like us met up together, we take pictures. A lot of pictures! #girlsbeinggirls
So we went to Morib Gold Coast, we brought voucher from Groupon for 2 set. Each set for 2 people. There are total 5 of us so we top up for one more person and share the total expenses that we spent. Without adding any extra expenses we spent, its about RM80 for each of us which including a studio suite room with one dinner and breakfast, 2 day unlimited entrance of water theme park, private jacuzzi, private balcony and two single bed for my room but can fit in 3 person. Its originally suppose to be a queen size bed but we thought of adding one extra bed, however it turns out 2 single bed or 1 queen size bed is just nice for 3 girls. 
 The view from our room.
 The bath room with jacuzzi. 
 Our room. 
If you feel like checking out this place, you can go to Groupon or SocialLiving website because i saw they still having promotion over there. The studio suite that we stay they normally charge RM400 plus for one night which is totally not worth it. 

The reason i said so is because their customer service is so bad that we check in to the room already but it is not yet been clean up. This is a super terrible experience where all of us first met. We waited for few hours in the room just to wait their staff to came over and clean up. 

We couldn't go anywhere until they came to clean up the mess. So we just chill in the room and chat. The best thing of us is, we will never had enough time to talk and we are hardly run out of topic. So.. it was fine.. =D

Next is theme park time, before showing the pictures, i wanted to shout out a huge THANKS to my bestie JUSTINE LOH! Without her camera, this part is gonna be so sick because i expect its a big water theme park. But its actually pretty small, its more like family type of place. 

I brought bikini but its definitely not a suitable place to wear that because.. it just doesn't feel right at all. So just bring normal swim suit IF you are coming over here. I layer it up with another T-shirt and tie a knock so i can have more cover under the sun. 
So theme park time~!
We can always have fun with limited resources. By that i mean.. Ladies and Gentleman, we are about to bring selca aka self capture to the next level..  UNDER WATER!

When we come to this pool we almost finish everything already and there are nothing left to play. It might look silly but we did put in some effort to take these pictures and i spend some time to edit it as well because originally it was kind of blur. So.. here you go..

I know we look sucks at first but it become better afterwards. Hahaaa..
This is so funny because Gin try to take pic of both of us and end up we bump to each other.. HAHA.. 
Please excuse us for the following pictures.. =p
Thats a wrap face! haha.. sounds like photo shooting.. But we had fun indeed.. And discover some skills as well. One of the most important thing to look good under water is you have to be relax so that your face emotion will looks more natural instead of looks like trying hard to hold the breath and close the eyes. You can still keep your eyes close but in a relaxing way. Other than that, just have fun!! 
I teach Gin to swim while YY selca under water. 
 Me and YY go play around this... idk what it suppose to be called.. while Gin is taking selca under water!
 YY looking so good here!
 End all the crazy theme park pictures here! Anyway, picture above is one of my favourite shoot among all! The water creates an illusion of smaller and shaper face. Hahaaa.. Thanks Gin!! 
Gin took some time in the wash room.. So.. =D
After a bunch of crazy photos.. here are some beautiful sunset view pictures.. i guess we looks more normal here.. Do we? haha..

We were inside the theme park until the closing time which is around 6 something i guess.. Mr.Low and Ms Tan went back to their room early until we done with the theme park they came down and ask us go for dinner because its about to start.

BUT!! I insist to go to the beach because I'm a huge lover of ocean, beach, sea and etc. So I have to check it out no matter what!
Thou you cant really see our faces but i guess it has another feeling right? Or does it looks creepy? Anyway, i am obsessed with this kind of picture because for me it looks romantic and mystery at once. The sunset view itself creates a beautiful romantic atmosphere and because you can't see our emotion you can imagine whether its sad or happy face in the pic. 
The Perfect Couple
Candid! Aren't they so sweet and cute?

They are just so perfect for each other! Thanks for bringing us here and being the best adviser all the time! 

Guess whats this?? Its the footprints of hermit crab!! We will never know this if Mr.Low didnt tell, this is the advantage going out with teacher. Hahaa.. So now you know! Follow the footprints to find the hermit crab ya next time!! JK ^^
The hermit crab! 
One last shot of the beautiful sunset before we leave for dinner. #thepowerofnature
We went back room to change, its not a coincident that all of us are in long dress. YY's idea and i said yes because i think it will be fun. 
Dinner time!! Its a buffet dinner that included in the vouchure, the food was not that bad. It might sounds stupid but i think the most impressive food among al is their salad! They have more than one kind of salad i forgot whats the name and its so good. Very refreshing! But thats from my own perspective, i am pretty sure won't said so because she doesn't even take one bite of greens. So no worries, the other food was nice as well.  
This is what i had. Didn't take much picture here because we were starving and bust talking. We stay there until they are about to close. This is the fun about hanging out with your friends. We've talk so much about everything, updating, sharing, basically spent some quality time together. This is one of the moment i really enjoy because sharing your problem with Mr.Low, you can always get an unexpected answer. 
Again the best adviser ever!!
After that we drove around to find some snack. And when we back to the resort we back to our own room. Girls like us, we won't had enough. So we come out with an idea where we shower together!!
Dont get excited! With close on okay! Swim suit basically. Luckily i brought two set. After that we gonna have the jacuzzi together and just chill. 
Hmm.. So nice.. We spent about 3 hours? i don't remember, but we spent a really long time there to chat.. We took pic for a while then we decided to bring those snacks that we brought earlier and just chill.. 

We've talk so much, mostly relationship.. Its so good where you have friends to share. And it is so important for us to update each other because we hardly meet up nowadays as all of us are busying with different things. So its really matter that you share your feelings with others, someone that is worth trusting of course to release some stress and sadness or even happiness. You will feel so good after sharing regardless of any type of story.  

I really enjoy that even though our skin are so crease after the long time immerse in water. 

So if you are going to anywhere similar like us, remember to always bring more than one swim suit or bikini because you'll never know when you needed them. And bring some snacks along for girl's talk, if its possible bring wine!! It will be so perfect.. 

And if you're on vocation with your friends or family and things doesn't turn out as good as expected, don't worried or get terrified because you can still work things out! For me, going with the right person are my first priority of all! Because they can make simple things become enjoyable. 
I guess thats it! Have a safe weekend! Thank you so much for reading i hope you enjoy! 

If you have an Instagram, feel free to check me out > @shinolophy
Twitter > @shinolophy

Take care everybody! 

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