Monday, November 18, 2013

Been thought of

Everyone has responsibility on the perception on how others think about you. The way you present yourself, the way you speak and stuff will eventually reflects back on how people think towards you. So if there is someone misinterpreted you for what you are not, you have to pay some attention on your own behavior instead of blaming others on misunderstanding who you are. 

Thanks to the advance technology we can change all most everything to the way we want it to be. You can easily have taller nose bridge, bigger eyes and sexy body through plastic surgery. But things like your charisma, the way you speak, your body gestures and more are stuff that we could develop from time to time. On the other words, each day of us will be slightly different from who we are yesterday due to all the things we met and see. 

Today's topic, been thought of. Thou we knew that people will be different from time to time, there are still a lot of people just couldn't move on from who you are before. Or they are being judgmental on your current look. I guess its still fine if that person aren't someone that was close to you. But what if someone that you've really close before still kind of think that you are who you were for like after one year. Again i admit, you have to be responsible on how people think towards you, but at the same time you should also know that people grow and change every single day.

It is so hard to accept the fact that people that you've been so close before, thinks of you in a very wrong way and just put you in a concrete box with a certain title. And your image for that person feels like being locked in that box forever and ever that nothings gonna go in nor nothings gonna come out. 

I absolutely agree that its hard to change the mindset that people already implemented in you because personality are something that hardly seen to be change. But if someone had go through some issues or something in their life, i believe that you should not judge who they were, at least before you meeting him or her in person. Don't think that people are still behave like that, unless you gave him or her another chance to present themselves. 

An interesting conversation i had with my friend the other day. He said we should not judge people based on their race, nationality, culture and more. Because all it matters are the personality itself that carry the greatest part of an individual. I agreed with no doubt, we should all treat people fair regardless to someone you've knew or someone you just knew. 

Everyone want another chance. But only when you giving others other chance, you'll receive chances from others. Because the moment you try or accept something new, you already creating the chance on your own. 
I have Instagram > @Shinolophy, you can check me out only if you would like. 
Twitter > @Shinolophy 

Good luck!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Just a little update about what I've been up to lately. 

It's literally the third week of class now, first and second week was pretty chilled because its all introduction plus there are two days of holidays in the second week. So basically everyone is still relaxing here and there but yet lifeless because class end early so the time gap for next class is longer. 

Anyway, in the pass week, i've attend line dance and yoga class for the very first time in my life with my bestie Justine. Well.. i always thought that i would much prefer yoga for some reasons but it turns out line dance is much more fun. Yoga is more towards stretching, holding one pose in a position and all.. At the end of the lesson the teacher even ask us to relax our muscle and entire body so she turn off all the lights and we just lye down on the yoga map. And.. i fall asleep. HAHA.. 

Line dance is surprisingly more interesting. Though its all about repeating steps but all of us end up sweating. And its just more alive and more movement than Yoga. So definitely try it out if you're looking for some dancing classes. Of course you can always go to YouTube and find out bunch of tutorial to get some sort of idea. 

Since i've just mentioned YouTube and some fitness stuff, i would love to recommend Blogilates to all of you. She has both blog and YouTube channel that teach people fitness and recipe of eating clean. Most of her work out are 5 to 15 mins, so you can choose a few video regarding to which part of your body that you want to target with and start up your full hour work out. Because of her i find no point of signing up a class because its all free over the internet. But the worst thing of working out at home is self discipline. So yea, this is the alternative if you wish to save up some money but still living healthy.
Back to my life, most of the people hate school starts again but i'm actually looking forward on this because my routine without classes are super messed up. There is one day in the holiday i slept at 9am and woke up at 6pm. Super abnormal and not healthy. Time table has pretty much fix and publish now, i have 5 days class in a week. So i guess i shall said bye to those "vampire" kind of life. Well.. hopefully.

Hmm.. what else.. oh, how can i forget this! My current obsession TV shows are "Oppa Odiga" as well as the China version. I guess a lot of you already knew whats that. If you don't, please go check it out! Its a reality shows that 5 dads are bringing their own child on trip and it will has some challenges along the journey. I personally prefer the Korea version because it just felt like its more genuine and real. And my favorite pairs of father and son would be Lee Jong Hyuk and Junsu!! Like.. really really like them.. ahh..

Time flies, November has arrived. As people change every single day, at the beginning of the month i felt more empower and confident of what i am doing and enjoy what I've choose and planned. Hopefully this enthusiasm can stay throughout the month. 

I guess pretty much thats it! Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment down below telling me what you've been up to or just any random stuff, I would love to read it. 

You can also find me through FB, Instagram, twitter or my personal email. 
Instagram  @Shinolophy
Twitter  @Shinolophy

Have a nice week people!! =D

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Brave or Wait

I've actually wrote this months ago, but I didn't publish until now because I am still looking for a more comprehensive conclusion. But during the holidays, i've met up some friends and i realised that this topic that i wrote before are still an existing problem for others. So, i thought i could share this with you and lets figure out the problems together. Here we go.. 

Brave or Wait, two types of behaviour in relationship. 

Both of these behaviour share one similarity that is both the partners are still in love with each other during that break up moment. 

both parties have the courage and belief that no matter what gonna happened or how worst the situation gonna be, they are not gonna let go each other easily. Regardless who's fault, or whether the love still exist or not. Indeed, in some situations we called it as stupid because we are just used to have each other around, but sometimes we called it as true love.

relatively they do not persist as much as Brave could do. Letting go each other is they way of them choose to love. They provide relief and freedom. They have high potential to get back together if any one of them willing to take the first move at the specific moment, but in this category, they probably didn't insist on the first thought and let the fear and confusion to take over instead.

Both Brave or Wait can still lead to a happy ending or a sad ending at the end of the day. It doesn't mean that if you are brave enough, you guys can last. It also doesn't judge in a way that the longer you wait the smaller chance to get back together. Or it could be both leading to a happy or sad ending.

But what i am trying to emphasised today is people are often choosing only one of them. Have you ever think of mixing these two together? Things could be completely different if they have a little braveness and patient at the same time.

Most of the time we prefer both parties to have mutual understanding. So we could spend less effort on explaining stuff and have a relatively simpler process. But at that specific moment, how do you judge the so called "mutual understanding"? Most or partly of the decision are not made in a rational situation and the other one has took it so seriously which lead to a sad ending. 

Well.. it literally took months for me to figure out this conclusion. 
Again, regardless which type you've choose or you've been through, if you guys meant to be together, you will eventually meet each other again. Of course on the other hand, i strongly believe that if both partner are very in love with each other things will not messed up without a legit reason. And if it happened to be bad, it either means that one or both of you are not mature enough or.. just not love each other enough as you thought it was. Fact is pretty cruel isn't it? But after all, i think both of this situation are a little immature..  And i believe true love should not be broken that easy.. 

Good luck everyone!

I have Instagram > @Shinolophy, you can check me out if you would like.
Twitter > @Shinolophy