Saturday, November 22, 2014

The UK study life

Its been a while. This post is genuinely dedicated to a number of you that i've made a promise.

I'm gonna go straight to the point.

Study here in UK is generally harder compare to Malaysia as well as other country ranging from Germany, Spain, France and etc.

1. Preparation

Student here has been given a "Teaching & Learning Plan" before the semester start and we were expected to prepare some of the material ahead. The plan will show you what you have to read for each lecture, what you need to prepare for next week, and what you need to do for this lecture's seminar aka tutorial.

Of course, preparation is not compulsory but it definitely help better understanding during lecture. Anyhow, no one can avoid preparation for seminar because if you don't prepare anything, you won't be able to join into any of the activities nor discussion in class. Preparation for seminar sometimes includes reading case study and analyse the situation then answer the question, presentation etc. Often time, the website where we get our study material will state that you're not expected to join the class without preparation. So, on the other words they're telling you don't come if you're not prepare.

My cousin studying in Malaysia but doing University of London program do receive a teaching & learning plan as well, but i have no such things at all back in my previous university. I personally do appreciate it because it enable you to be more structure and organised as well as visualise where you're heading to.

2. Assessment aka Assignment

In all the subject i've taken in this semester, assessment question is based on real cases and some of it even still happening currently. Lecture expect you to really analyse the situation and APPLY the theory, not DEFINING it. So there's no introduction, company background or all those kind of thing. You gonna go straight to the point, analyse and discuss according to some theoretical framework.

It is even harder when you're researching latest cases because no one will have done anything about it, so there's no way you can google for a sample answer or any reference sort of thing. Being analytical and critical thinking is essential.

3. Independent learning

We've been given sufficient support for studies - 24/7 library, "blackboard" site which contains all the materials you need for each class not just including the slide but some of the essential reading, online lecture or video related to the subject matter.

However, we are expect to be really independent in the way you need to figure out where are those resources. Or if there's a mistake in your timetable, you should go to the counter and made enquiries. If you want to know more on how to use this and that you should go to the specific place and all. So, no more spoon feeding and extra guidance. You're all on your own.

""These are the three main points i can think of right now. I don't face much problems with the lectures' accent nor the speed they spoke. But sometimes its hard to capture what they're saying and this is why preparation ahead is again crucial. Also, the locals here i met are literally quite smart, they do their work and the way they answer is totally different. I don't really know how to describe, but i guess they're being more analytical in a way and my answer are way too formal, theoretical? If that make sense.

Overall it's a very legit university study life over here compare to Malaysia. No offence to any of you but the expectation and requirement are indeed much higher. And this is why i'm not very active in any social media lately.

I knew a lot of you think that most of the abroad student here play, party, tour around more than what we study, but honestly, thats not the case AT ALL. Truth is, we only post travel, party, fun looking pictures in Instagram instead of the study picture. Even the most lazy person here i met spend more time and effort in study compare to where he or she came from. I even get a number of messages saying "you go UK study or travel ohh?" I'm not mad nor angry but felt defenceless or speechless because not all of us do post like this to declare. But no worries, at least now you know. =)

Hopefully next post will be the "Halloween" because i had so much fun that night and its an amazing experience. One of the best night i've ever had here! So, stay tuned and until next time..""

Look. What do you think if we always post this kind of picture? Would you even believe? But thats the truth!
Take Care!!
PS: My cousin are helping me out with new layout and all, so please excuse for the incomplete look right now. 

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