Friday, April 6, 2012

Taiping Part I

Me and family were off to Taiping for the Ching Ming Festival which is usually for Chinese going back to their hometown and pray their ancestor once in a year.

Driving back from KL to Taiping roughly need around 4 hours if there is a very smooth traffic. In between that, we actually stop by Ipoh ans some rest station to find out something new and also to have more fun instead of just going back for praying. 

Picture of girls in the car..

Me and sis <3
Being at the city and working all the time is really stress sometimes. It is a very strange philosophy that everyone actually feel stress free when getting far away from the city. Life at village is really simple and not glamorous at all. However, being simplicity is not simple at all! said Steve Jobs

We stop at the Tapah rest station and grab about 23 pomelo!! We are not crazy and what not. But this season it really taste super super good! I'm not pomelo lover but i swear to God this is the best i ever tried. 
The shop that we brought from..


Tata.. here is the prove!

The uncle there is so kind and cut 2 pomelo for us to try on the spot. He also offer us a very good price so roughly we get one around 10 bucks. Actually the skin of this season's pomelo is so so ugly but it really taste very good. So, Don't judge the book by it's cover! 

After the refreshing from pomelo, we off to Ipoh to find a very famous chicken rice shop. Credits to Mr.Garmin to lead us right in front of the shop.

Dishes that we ordered.
To be really honest, the chicken is really sucks till the max because is it so hard to bite and swallow. Have no idea why it is so famous but of course you can give it a try to satisfy your curiosity. What really good is their chicken feet because is really soft. *somehow i don't really like eating the chic feet but the comment is wad i get from my family* 

The price for a whole chicken cost RM46 and RM 8 for the bean sprouts. No matter you're rich or not, the price for the chicken is really expensive and it taste so sucks. So is really not worth at all! 

Aim for this pic is the way they serve you. They actually just put a basket which divided into 9 parts like the tic tac toe and you just take whatever you like and the guy will automatically count the total price for you.

Nothing really special about the water but the barley do stand out because they actually put corn inside to make it taste better. 

You can walk around the town, and we found a very old style ice cream at the opposite of the Lou Wong chicken rice shop.  

The uncle actually pick up the favor of ice cream in a long cylinder ice cream, then cut it with knife and put in a stick for us to hold. According to my mum this actually appear when she was a child. I bet many of you from the city never seen this before!! =p Despite that, it taste good because it wont be too sweet and the texture creamy. RM 1.50 for each. 
Something special we saw at the shop which sell all those biscuit and stuff. They hang a bunch of small basket which have money inside and list it there NOT FOR SALE. Have no idea what it is for but i guess is something for attract more customer?

Across the road from the chic shop, you can saw the salt-baked chicken and duck shop. One of my mum's friend told her that this is actually very famous too in Ipoh. We bought one and tried, i think it taste good. At least a lot more better than the chicken rice!

So continue driving around 45 mins, we finally arrived our destination! We stopped  by at Matang to look after the old house. We were surprisingly and sadly to find out that the house that my mum and grandma and others family used to live in now has become the house for the foreign workers.

The moment i saw all the workers, i really kind of scare because they looks so...... scary?? *wtf* But then the next second i think off when i was still a child we use to play all kind of fireworks and stuff... i mean it use to be very alive but now it looks so death.. =(

There is a river opposite my grandma house which most them used to catch fish and sell it to the market. Some of my uncle have experience with that. So they went there for..... yearning?? hahaa..
The cousins~ 

Middle of the Road! 

Drive around few m from my grandma house, there is a house that sell crab and other seafood. The things they get will then sell it to the restaurant or other places. So if we straight go there buy, we can be the first hand and get to choose the best one. Unfortunately, it is a peak season so everything is out of stock.

 So is around dinner time, we went for few famous restaurant at Taiping. Unfortunately AGAIN, most of them are FULL due to there are a lots of people went back for Ching Ming also. But i can introduce which one you can try =)

Most of the top restaurant actually gather at 十八丁. They actually located in the same town and you can check it in by walking distance. The picture below is one of the restaurant which we tend to go but is FULL!
That is really so sad for us because one of the most important things to do at Taiping is to eat all their seafood because is really really cheap and fresh!

This is wad u will see when u get into the restaurant.. 

Yup! and the SEA! u can definitely have a very good sea view in this restaurant.  

This is another restaurant which we had our dinner. Uncle and my mum actually go for other better restaurant but all fully booked. So no choice, is always better than none right?   

 Slightly in front of the restaurant also can see sea but is not as nice as the previous one. * Camera is out of battery, so this pic is taken by phone. Sry for low quality..*

So this is wad we got in the dinner. Actually there is something else, but camera is died so.. left this. =)

""Well, if you got to see the expression of everyone.. they aren't really happy because the adult were so tired running here to there for a better restaurant and the else are waiting for the final decision. I have to admit that the environment of this restaurant is not really good because it is so near the kitchen so you feel very oily and hot. 

But i guess what is the most important thing for a dinner is not we got to eat expensive dishes or go to a very high class place. Is the mood that we have. I kind a don't like everyone act like that because we should appreciate that at least we still got to eat some seafood. There are so so many of people lining up and give up, end up with eating those mee or pasar malam things. So... if there is next time, Smile people! Be grateful of what you have... =)""

As for the night time, special thanks to big uncle for booking us a VIP SPA. Do not aspect that it gonna looks very luxurious of the typical spa. But is good enough that you can actually find something like this in the village. 

This is how we look during the spa... 
The charges for the place we booked is 30 bucks per hour without any limit of people. There are actually public pool also but since we got so many people this is a wise choice. Get to enjoy more privacy. =D

Family time~ 
Anyway i think the price is pretty reasonable especially for a group of family or friends. What i know is the spring water is actually natural from under ground. It helps you to relax all part of your body and get smoother skin!

Look at the mist! lol.. is evaporation of the spring water. 
But do not immerse your head into the water! *General knowledge* and don't have to be so impatient, take step by step from your feet then when you can accept the temperature and you move further down. When whole body of me got into the water is really really hot, but just stand for 3 second, and you will feel very very relax~~


Sun enjoying like a boss!

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