Thursday, October 16, 2014

Program Cohort Meetings

It was a long day today, so much things to read and do. But things pretty much getting done, let me just have some own sweet time to reflect. 

So there's a IBM Program Cohort meetings in Wednesday. What it pretty much do is to go through with each and every modules of your course and tell you some important informations, but most importantly the program leader himself wants to know the feedback from the students. 
Feedback ranging from any issues like room temperature to accent of the modules lectures. I'm so impressed by this system because back in my previous uni, there's no such thing and its so hard to pass our issues or concern to the right person. I would said its a relatively hard thing to do back there cause admin department wouldn't really care much about your overall study experience. Also, if the person who pass the issues/concern is the Program Leader himself, i guess things will be solve in a more effective and efficient way. 

Regardless if issues is being solved, the effort of having this worth a big thumbs up! 

I absolutely appreciate it and once again being inspired and I'm totally making the best choice ever to study abroad. Likewise, i'm being impressed by the student here who are brave enough to raise the issues out loud in front of so many people. I wouldn't said thats how they been educated all this while, but its the culture and atmosphere here that letting people to speak out their voices. 

Nevertheless, study life here is definitely harder than Malaysia. Lots of preparations and independent learning that you really need to do on your own and have good time management and self control. But so far so good, I'm still enjoying it and haven't get home sick. Hahaaa.. 

So i guess the next post will be another short getaway! So stay tuned! 
Be positive folks! 

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